Membership Information & Fees

Musicians needed: trumpets, trombones, and french horn Our Society is a non-profit organization. The membership fees collected cover director costs, rehearsal and performance venues, music purchases and other expenses incurred by the Society. The annual fees are per person not per band, as many members play in more than one band.

Players make a commitment to their band and attend rehearsals regularly. Players are on time for rehearsals. Player MUST contact the conductor prior to the rehearsal if they are going to be late or absent. Concert band members are required to have the music folders at every rehearsal even if they are not able to attend. Music is often shared and missing parts can be frustrating to other players and the conductor.

Click HERE to read our Conditions of Membership.

Fee Schedule

Concert band – $350 per year, payable in September

Jazz band – $350 per year, payable in September

* Members may play in the Concert Band, Jazz Band, or both for one annual fee of $350.

We offer a family membership option. If more than one member of your immediate family, living in the same household, plays in the band, the first member pays 100% of the annual fees, the second member 75%, and the third 50% (yes, we do have a number of family members).

We also offer a discounted rate for students enrolled full time in secondary or post-secondary. The annual fee for students is $200.

Email for information on flexible payment plans.