REMINDER: Annual General Meeting Next Monday

This is a very important reminder that the annual general meeting of the New Westminster & District Concert Band Society will be held next Monday, October 24th, 2011 at 8:00pm sharp.

New Westminster & District Concert Band Society

 Annual General Meeting Notice for October 24th, 2011


 Minutes of October 2010 Annual General Meeting

President’s Report                Danny Olsen

Treasurer’s Report               Howard Engman (*re-appointed by the executive)

Band Directors’ Reports

  • Stephanie Olsen
  • Kevin White
  • Jonathan Sykes ( Kelly Proznick)
  • John White

Nominations & Election of Volunteer Executive

 Bylaw Amendments
*Important note: the proposed changes to our Society’s bylaws are quite extensive. A committee of Executive members has worked over the past year to create these suggested updates in an effort to reflect evolutionary changes in the Society’s structure, membership base and manner of operating.   Please take a moment to peruse the posted documents at a rehearsal prior to the AGM.  Members who wish to receive the documents via e-mail, please contact Danny Olsen.

New Business

 Please note the meeting will begin at 8 PM sharp on Monday, October 24th, 2011.  It will run approximately one hour.

It is important for every member to attend this meeting, or one parent/guardian of a student member.